Hafiz & Warri


We are Getting Married



I am the happiest woman in the World because I have been Chosen by a big guy who is full of responsibility and affection


Hafizzoh Rohendi

Hafizzoh Rohendi

I have convinced myself to Choose a great woman in my life. She is so kind hearted. I want to spend the rest of my life with her


August 4th, 2018










Marriage Settlement

09:00 — end

Wedding Reception

11:00 — 15:00 WIB

Aula Masjid Al-Ikhlas
Jl. Raya Ragunan No.11 A, Jati Padang, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan

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Our Story

1st Grade High School in 2008

First time we met in Senior High School

Hafizz: For the first time I saw her, I felt nothing until God showed me the best part of her is her kindness. She looks cute wearing a high school uniform. We never thought we could be together and can understand each other for 8 years, but we can make it happen, we still together until now, we can understand each other and love each other.

Warri: Spending time with him for 8 years is the best time in my life. Even though I never realize how good he is when the first time we met. He also cute wearing a high school uniform. The best part of him is he always be there for me. Although we ever break up for months, but I know and always know that he is still my soulmate since high school.

Jakarta, 201108

For the first time we said "we love each other"

On this date, we try to know more each other. We call it Puppy Love, is it funny right? Now Puppy Love become REAL LOVE RELATIONSHIP between two adults. But starting on this date, I can believe the miracle always happen for us. God keep us in love even though there are so many anger and sadness. But we know, happiness will not come without sadness first.

25th Of February 2018

Our Engagement Day

One step closer.... this love has taught us to survive. We expect nothing more than blessing from you, God!

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Hafiz & Warri